Monday, 27 June 2011

May Birthday Giveaway: Kirby Krackle


Today I have the first two albums by nerd rock band Kirby Krackle [2] to give away! My husband Scott [3] plays bass for the band so I can tell you they are currently hard at work on their third album, which they are writing and recording at a lightning fast speed. If you are not familiar with Kirby Krackle them you can listen to some of their music right here [4] on their site. I am not a music reviewer so instead please allow me to point you towards this review of E is for Everybody (the second album) over at Wired's Geek Dad: Kirby Krackle?s E For Everyone is Geek Rock Perfection [5] where he says "there is truly not a bad song among its 11 offerings. Each is a perfect nugget of guitar pop glory adorned with the kind of semi-obscure references you?d expect from self professed geek rockers."

I you want any nerd cred you must have these albums! To enter please leave a comment with this post, you have until Thursday, May 5th at 10 a.m. PST to enter, the fine print [6] applies. If you'd like please answer this question: When you were a kid who was your favorite superhero? I'll go first: I wanted to be Wonder Woman. I was just the right age to both watch the show and wear the Underoos and I remember running around the yard with friends pretending to lasso bad guys and fly in the invisible jet. (While running around in the yard I was wearing regular clothes not the Underoos, just to be clear there.) OK, good luck everybody! Closed, thanks for entering!



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