Sunday, 5 June 2011

daily photo: Mar. 7th

Ok, so this photo is from yesterday when we were at the Emerald City Comicon, but today didn't have much going on and I wanted to take a moment to say how I enjoyed wandering around ECCC, and to give a shoutout to the organizers for taking the time to give me a visitors badge (my husband Scott [1] plays bass for the awesome nerd rock band Kirby Krackle [2], and one half of the songwriters for Kirby Krackle is Jim Demonakos, who founded ECCC and does an awesome job of making it better each year, thus the badge). I mostly wanted to note something that The Stranger [3] also noticed: there were a lot of girls there. I saw women of all ages, some with their daughters, all there because they love comic books. Yay!



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